From pages 95-98 of the Official Manual
The heart of an association is its members. Attending meetings, taking part, voicing your opinion, voting on important decisions, and taking part in the election of officers who lead your church organization, club or board is your responsibility.
Every club or organization should want to hold democratic meetings. But wanting this doesn’t always bring it about. Through years of experience, legislators have worked out a set of rules for conducting meetings democratically. Because these rules were originally based on the experiences of the English Parliament, they are known as Parliamentary Law or Parliamentary Procedure. It helps us to accomplish business efficiently and speedily. At the same time, it protects the rights of all members to have their say.
Officers and Their Duties:
The Chairman of church meetings is usually the Pastor or Board President. If the President is absent, the Vice- President presides. If he or she is absent, then the Second Vice-President or next ranking officer presides. The chairman’s duties are as follows:
1. Calls the meeting to order on time, “The regular meeting of… will now come to order.”
2. Asks for roll call of officers and the reading of previous minutes (Secretary then reads both of these.)
3. Announces each item of new business as soon as the preceding one is finished to keep things moving steadily
4. Call on members who want to speak.
5. State all motions before putting them to a vote. Announces the result of the voting
6. Maintains order and conducts discussion democratically by recognizing speakers on both sides of a question.
7. The chairman casts the deciding vote when there is a tie vote. The Chairman should know basic Parliamentary Procedure to keep the meeting running smoothly, starts and tries to end on time. Important matters should get attention, less important ones do not need to take up much time. Reports of Committees and Officers should be prepared ahead of time so they are well presented and lead to action by the membership. Keep the meeting short as possible.
The Secretary
The Recording Secretary’s job is to keep the minutes. There may also be a Corresponding Secretary. If not, the Recording Secretary reads the roll call of officers and minutes of the previous meeting. The membership must approve or correct this official record of its action. And when necessary the Secretary reads the different communications.
Minutes Include.
1. The kind of meeting (Regular, special or Executive Board).
2. Name of your organization.
3. Date, Time, Place of meeting
4 Name of Chairman and Secretary.
5. Approval and correction, if any, of previous meeting.
6 Summary of Executive Board action, reports of Committees, including recommendations made and action taken on them.
7. Record of all motions made and seconded. The name of the maker, the action taken on motion and also the results.
Nominations and Elections
The nominations of officers is a special order of business. All members should be notified of time, place and purpose of the meetings when nominations and elections of officers are to be held. The law requires that all members be given reasonable notice of the time and place of nominations. An announcement should be made at a regular meeting, and it also requires that a written notice be mailed to each member before the elections are held. At the proper time in the meeting, the Acting Chairman calls for nominations. There should be enough time given for everyone who desires to make nomination, may have a chance to do so*. The Chairman may rule a motion to close nominations too soon; out of order . The motion to close nominations when it comes requires a second, and when the majority votes, it is not debatable. Candidates must, of course, qualify for the office they seek according to the by-laws of the parent body. A person not present at the meetings may be nominated by their consent unless the by-laws provide to the contrary. The law requires each candidate must receive a majority vote.
*This means nominations are to be made from the floor by any eligible member in attendance.*
At an annual meeting to elect officers for upcoming year does a pastor vote? Also is it proper to sware in a new member 2 days before the annual meeting just so that person can vote for his mother!!!
The pastor gets a vote just as everyone else. He does not have veto power but he does get a vote. If your local churches rules were followed, new members get a vote unless your church has rules which limit when they can vote.
In one section it states the Pastor has the right to appoint and remove officers. At another point pages 95-98 it stated that officers are through nominating and electing from any/all members. What method of putting officers in place is priority. Does the Pastor have the authority to do it the way he wants to regardless of the objection of the members?