If you have any questions concerning the rights of a Church of God in Christ Pastor or Elder, or correct unbiased constitutional information; the law as it is written. Send us your questions through the comment section.

Click Here To See Article VIII, Section B
Here is a question that has come up.
Who can file charges against a COGIC Pastor or Elder? Can the Jurisdictional Bishop bring charges against a Pastor or Elder?
If we look carefully, Article VIII, Section B, paragraph 2 on page 31 of the Official Manual it says,
“The procedure for the trial of a local Pastor shall be as follows:”
- In Article VIII, Section B, 2(a), pages 31 and 32 of the Official Manual says, “When a majority of the members of the Church of God in Christ have documented evidence that a Pastor of a local church has committed any or all of the offenses enumerated hereinabove, they may file charges against such Pastor specifically setting out the acts and things complained of.”
This is very clear it takes a majority of the members to bring charges. It cannot mean a majority of the National Church, over 3 million people would not have documented evidence of violations. The only logical explanation is that a majority of the members of the local church. That is 50% of the local membership plus one more member. Each person must be a member of the local Pastors church.
To the second question, NO the Jurisdictional Bishop cannot on his own bring charges against a Pastor. He is only one person, it must be a majority of the Pastors members. No single individual can bring charges against a Pastor or an elder in the COGIC Judicial system.
The list of offenses in Article VIII, Section B, paragraphs 1(a-g), page 31 are the only things a COGIC Pastor or Elder can be charged with. There is no resolution or language on a certificate that is higher than what is found in the constitution.
Very good ? information for members and pastors. No one ?? person, even if he’s a Bishop, can not take your church.
I would like the council to look at the process regarding jurisdictional prelates having the authority to declare pastors to void pastors credentials that they have already paid for rendering them ineligible to register for the general assembly without some type of appellate process by the council. That power should be reserved for the chief apostle and the general board only. In my case, the prelate who shall remain nameless for now, acted impulsively, and as a result lost the respect of several churches in the jurisdiction, then got angry about their decision to leave the jurisdiction. I have paid my credential report religiously and have not missed a year since I was a minister, and because of a rash decision, I was denied the opportunity to participate in the general assembly, even though I traveled to Memphis to do so. This needs to be reviewed, because It is unfair, I am still COGIC, and nobody is going to run me out.
There is a process to appeal, it is the credentials committee of the General Assembly.
Can a COGIC pastor service a church outside of the denomination?
There are no rules limiting one’s ministry. I would suggest you keep it as an outreach. Cogic pride tends to frown on one being licensed in two different reformations.
I was raised in COGIC all my youth but I must say that I was burnt and hurt by the church and as a result I have not associated myself with organized religion in 30 + years and just listening to what’s going g on with the church today I see things have only gotten worst but I just hope and pray that your leaders get themselves together because we all will be judge by the most high Jehovah and those that are responsible for souls being turned away will be handled accordingly
Good evening, I am currently a member of the Greater Love Church of God in Christ in Tallahassee, FL. My Pastor’s name is Eric Lamont Johnson. We come together and wrote the Bishop Edward Robinson a letter about the Pastor’s conduct. Most of all the Elders and season Saints left. We got kicked out of the Church. The Bishop, gave him things to do to bring the Church back together. He went against the Bishop and never address and repent for all things he miss handle. It’s been a year and nobody has come to help the Saints out.
Unless you file charges, no will come to help. There must be a majority of the members willing to go on record will documented evidence against him. When you send a letter, you are just giving information. No action is required.
Can you be an elder & be on Probation for 12’years, and have current Felcony charges of Fraud and Scamming elderly???
Here is one thing a Cogic pastor or elder can have charges filed in the church’s judicial system
Article VIII, Section B, Paragraph 1(c); Conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude in a Court of Law.
does the Bishop have the right to make himself the Pastor of a church who has loss thier Pastor
In the Official Manual, approximately page 215, para 2; “The General Assembly of the Church of God in Christ has assigned to you, as Bishop the following duties:…T seek out and discover, in cooperation with your district superintendents and congregation, a suitable pastor for each congregation under your care.”
According to the manual he does not have the right to just assign himself pastor. the General Assembly said he was to seek out in cooperation with the district superintendent and the congregation a suitable pastor. If he did not do that he has not completed his assignment.
I forgot to ask if a Jurisdictional Bishop can be reprimanded for appointing a female pastor to a church or superintendent in his jurisdiction?
He can be brought up on charges for violating the rules and regulations of COGIC. If you think a law is not correct, make your case and change it.
There is a Pastor in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania I wont say his name. I knew COGIC won’t send anybody to talk about sexual misconduct by the Pastor unless the majority of the congregation puts it in writting. This is not about to happen seeing this is a nice man whos congregations love him. He is still misrepresenting, God, his family and his Day Care business. The whole town is making rumors about this. What CAN you do to help him and his ministry?
We only operate in an advisory role to help COGIC members become aware of the Judicial Rules and Procedures of the Church.
I was appointed Pastor by our jurisdictional Bishop. Our interim Bishop is telling me that I and my church had no rights to change the name of our church.
He also said that it is not my church i am the under-shepherd that the church belongs to the jurisdiction.
What are my rights as a pastor.
Do you have the certificate of appointment. If the members of the church have voted on the name change, they have the right to change their name.
Yes. I have my certificate of Appointment.
The only way to remove a appointed pastor with that certificate is to go through the judicial process found in Article VIII. Section B.