The Truth About COGIC vs Westside

Who won, Westside did

The Word of God tells us “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32)

There are many narratives circulating concerning COGIC vs Westside, how do we know which is correct? How do we know which is not partial and which is just spin? We believe Westside Ministries won because we looked at the documents which speak for themselves. We are setting the truth free, found in the court documents.

Sometimes it can be confusing when you talk about defendants, plaintiffs, counter – plaintiffs and counter – defendants. The plaintiff is the one who initiated the suit, the defendant is the one who responds to the suit. The defendant can then counter with a suit of their own and becomes the “counter plaintiff”. When that occurs the one who started the suit becomes the counter defendant. This is how to read all of this word soup.

  1. The Plaintiffs are-COGIC, Inc and Northwest Florida (Bishop Green)
  2. Plaintiffs/Counter – Defendants are COGIC, Inc and Northwest Florida (Bishop Green)
  3. The Defendants are Westside, Pastor Watts, Trustees, Coston and Frankee Lee Huff.
  4. Defendants/Counter – Plaintiffs are Westside, Pastor Watts, Trustees, Coston and Frankee Lee Huff

In the order, the judge referenced three documents: here is what was ordered in the dismissal.

(For ease of reading we will use Westside as the defendants and COGIC, Inc. as the Plaintiffs. With that we can read the Order as follows:

“…having reconsidered Westside’s motion to “Dissolve or Vacate Temporary Injunction and Dismiss all Remaining Claims and finding the motion well taken at this stage in the proceedings, COGIC, Inc. Complaint filed September 3, 2021 and Westside’s filed on December 8, 2021 are hereby dismissed without prejudice and the Temporary Injunction entered on November19, 2021 is hereby dissolved.”

Westside prevailed. It was Westsides motion that was reconsidered. based on Westsides motion the suit was dismissed. Except for the links below, this is how the Order reads. You can click the red box marked “Dismissal Order” to read the complete document.

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that having reconsidered the Defendants/Counter- Plaintiff’s to Dissolve or Vacate Temporary Injunction and Dismiss all Remaining Claims and finding the motion well taken at this stage in the proceedings, the Plaintiffs/Counter – Defendants’ Complaint filed on September 3, 2021 and the Defendants/Counter-Plaintiff’s’ filed on December 8, 2021 are hereby dismissed without prejudice and the Temporary Injunction entered on November 19, 2021 is hereby dissolved.

DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Escambia County Florida.

The Temporary Injunction” is a part of COGICs’ original complaint, we separated it only for the purposes of making it easier to find. Click the documents below to let the truth loose.

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